CHM205: Inorganic Chemistry Ii TMA4

CHM205: Inorganic Chemistry Ii TMA4 complete Question and answer

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Question 1 : Mineral silicates plays an important role in national economy because from it is produced _______.
A. Plastics, ceramics,paints
B. Glass, paints,ceramics
C. Glass, ceramics,cement
D. Cement,plastics,glass

Answer to question I is C. Glass, ceramics,cement

Question 2 : Oxoacids in which the central atom is in a higher oxidation states are termed as ____________.
A. Hypo-ic acid
B. Hypo-ous acid
C. ic-acid
D. ous acid

Answer to question 2 is C. ic-acid

Question 3 : The reaction C6H6 + HNO3 will give _____________.
A. C6H5NO2 + H2O2
B. C6H5NO2 +H2O
C. C6H5NO + H2O2
D. C6H5NO3 + H2

Answer to question 3 is A. C6H5NO2 + H2O2

Question 4 : Boron and silicon combine with carbon to form ___________.
A. Acetylides
B. Methanides
C. Catenate compounds
D. Covalent carbides

Answer to question 4 is D. Covalent carbides

Question 5 : Which of the following statement is true ?
A. Stability of covalent hydrides of Group 4 elements remains unchange as you move down the group
B. Stability of covalent hydrides of Group 4 elements decreases down the group because of decreasing M-H bond energies
C. Stability of covalent hydrides of Group 4 elements increases down the group because of decreasing M-H bond ebergies
D. Stability of covalent hydrides of Group 4 elements increases down the group because of increasing M-H bond energies

Answer to question 5 is B. Stability of covalent hydrides of Group 4 elements decreases down the group because of decreasing M-H bond energies

Question 6 : Dilute nitric acid will oxidise HI to ____________.
C. I
D. H

Answer to question 6 is C. I

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CHM291: Practical Chemistry Iii-inorganic TMA4

Question 7 : The tendency of gaining an electron to acquire a stable noble gas configuration makes the halogens ________.
A. susceptible to oxidation
B. Low ionization energy
C. High electron affinity
D. Have low electron affinity

Answer to question 7 is C. High electron affinity

Question 8 : Ammonifying bacteria present in the soil decompose plants and animals when they die into ________
A. Ammonium and hydrides
B. Nitrogenous and hydrides
C. Nitrogen and ammonium compounds
D. Nitrogen and oxides

Answer to question 8 is C. Nitrogen and ammonium compounds

Question 9 : Concentrated nitric acid readily oxidises solid non metals and metalloids to their respective _____________.
A. Salts
B. Hydrides
C. Ions
D. Oxoacids or hydrated oxides

Answer to question 9 is D. Oxoacids or hydrated oxides

Question 10 : Dilute nitric acid will oxidise H2S to ____________.
A. H
B. H2S03
C. H2SO4
D. S

Answer to question 10 is D. S

Question 11 : Tin is obtained by the ______.
A. Oxidation of oxides of tin with Fe
B. Reduction of oxides of tin with carbon
C. Reduction of oxides of tin with H
D. Oxidation of oxides of tin with carbon

Answer to question 11 is B. Reduction of oxides of tin with carbon
Question 12 : The element with the highest electron affinity amongst the halogens is ___________.
A. Bromine
B. Arstatine
C. Chlorine
D. Fluorine

Answer to question 12 is C. Chlorine

Question 13 : ________ occurs in the elemental state as diamond and graphite.
A. Tin
B. Silicon
C. Germanium
D. Carbon

Answer to question 13 is D. Carbon


Question 14 : To distinguish between the oxidation states of the central atom in oxoacids, suffixes in which the central atom is in a lower oxidation state are termed ____________.
A. ic-acid
B. Hypo-ous acid
C. Hypo-ic acid
D. ous acid

Answer to question 14 is D. ous acid

Question 15 : The bond energy of N-N bond in hydrazine is very small due to _______.
A. Repulsion of the nonbonding electrons which weaken the N-N bond
B. Attraction and repulsion between N-N bond and N-H bond in hydrazine
C. Attractive and repulsion of the nonbonding electrons and the N-N bond in hydrazine
D. Repulsion between N-N bond and N-H bond in hydrazine

Answer to question 15 is A. Repulsion of the nonbonding electrons which weaken the N-N bond

Question 16 : _________ are formed by elements of 1,2, 3,11,12 and13 except boron.
A. Ionic carbides
B. Interstitial carbides
C. Organic carbides
D. Covalent carbides

Answer to question 16 is A. Ionic carbides

Question 17 : The reactivity of the various allotropes of phosphorus towards other substances decreases in the order?
A. Black-red-white-brown
B. Red-brown-black-white
C. brown-white-red-black
D. White-black-brown-red

Answer to question 17 is C. brown-white-red-black

Question 18 : Which of the options below indicates how carbon behaves differently from other members of Group 4?
A. Carbon has a maximum covalency of 6 while other members have 4
B. Carbon forms complex compounds while the other members do not
C. Carbon has a much higher electronegativity and higher ionisation energy than other elements in the group
D. Carbon forms solid oxides while the other members do not


Answer to question 18 is C. Carbon has a much higher electronegativity and higher ionisation energy than other elements in the group

Question 19 : Tin exhibit polymorphism because of _____________ .
A. It exists in two crystalline forms
B. It can function as a conductor and semi-conductor
C. It has a stable configuration
D. It is a metal as well as a metalloid

Answer to question 19 is A. It exists in two crystalline forms

Question 20 : Concentrated nitric acid behaves as ______________.
A. Redox agent
B. An oxidising agent
C. None of the above
D. Reducing agent

Answer to question 20 is B. An oxidising agent

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