Excitation and De-excitation of Atom

Excitation and De-excitation

Atom has the power of transition between the orbits which is permitted by quantum mechanics, the transition take place by either absorbing or emitting equal difference energy between the orbits. Excitation take place as a result of atom absorbing a photon, while de-excitation take as result of emission of photon by atom. Photon is a quantum of light and other electromagnetic radiation energy.

Excitation and D-excitation picture

As shown in the above picture, the emitted wavelength or light absorbed is the same, in such a way that the energy carried by the photon between the two orbits are different. Base on the equation on the picture, the following must be noted; h is plank constant, c is the speed of light, λ is the wavelength, and E is energy.

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Calculation of energy, when calculating the energy, the following equation can be applied, E energy = h Planck constant x c speed of light divided by λ wavelength. Mathematically, Atomic Structural composition

E= hc/λ. Planck h= 6.626 x 10 -34Js.

But, atom only absorb or emit certain discrete wavelength or energy.


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