Model type of centrifuge

Model type of centrifuge

These is the subcalassification of swing out rot centrifuge, they are basically classified into five type which include;

  1. Hand centrifuge: these are centrifuge operated manually by hand. The centrifuge is fixed to a bench with the area were the handle will be fixed protruding outside, then sample to be centrifuge is place on the centrifuge and the blank sample equal to the sample subjected for spinning is place on the opposite side. Then the handle is inserted into the handle area, and is manually rotated until certified centrifugation is achieved. This type of centrifuge isnow been limited to the rural areas.
  2. Battery oprated bench centrifuge: as the name imply, the type of centrifuge operate with aid of battery. The centrifuge is design to suit area that often lack electricity. But the centrifuge need much energy to operate as such the battery must be charge regularly.
  3. Electric bench centrifuge: this most advance modern centrifuge, these type of centrifuge is design mainly to use electric current to power them. It is the type of centrifuge which are often found in the medical laboratory. They are made in different size, shape model with different speed ranges.
  4. Microhaematocrit centrifuge: these centrifuge have the sample working principle with that of electric bench centrifuge, but with different purpose. Miccrohaematocrit centrifuge is used only to spin capillary tube, which is for determination of the percentage of packed red blood cell volume of a patient. And some time it is use to investigate the concentration of some parasite present in the blood. The mechanism of operation; is the capillary tube is filled with a whole blood and one edge of the tube is ceil with plastacine or with candle, and then place the centrifuge with equal of the capillary tube place on the opposite side of the test capillary tube, the centrifuge is covered with it cover and the spun for about 5 minute at a speed of 10,000 to 15,000 rpm. Then the result is read with haematocrit reader.
  5. Ultracentrifuge: these type of centrifuge allowed refrigeration at the maximum speed, as such guiding the sample from the heat that is produce by the rotor of the centrifuge. The significant temperature of these centrifuge range from -150c to -250c when the centrifuge is on motion.
  6. Cytocentrifuge: these type of centrifuge is sometime called cytospin, it is a especially produce centrifuge used basically for transferring cell in suspension to a circumscribed region on the glass slide. The centrifuge help to concentrate suspension cells and the limit cells damages.

For the cell suspended centrifuge, the holder of the cup is made up of plastic block with posterior surface opening. The following are loaded together into the centrifuge; the plastic block, slide and filter paper. The centrifugal for help the cell to be deposited in the slide circular area. The absorption of the suspension take place on the filter paper. Our next discussion is on the use and care of centrifuge

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