The following characteristic must be figure out when examine specimen microscopically;




Present of blood

Pus or mucus

Present of parasite, fungi, and bacteria

Culture plate: type of colonies number seen either  1, 2, 3, or so on should be. Colour, shape size, consistency haemolysis either Gram-positive or negative stain reaction must also be noted.

Liquid Culture: colour, growth (smooth, granular surface e.t.c) and deposit should be noted.

Appearance of Bacteria: the shape, size, arrangement, motility, staining reaction, pleomorphim, capsule, spore, e.t.c should be noted when examine bacteria for presentation of final report of the organism see. It is important, to report exactly the organism seen in isolated culture together with the sensitivity pattern and smear.

Blood Culture: blood is usually sterile. In these case there are various way of identification and isolation of bacteria in the blood sample with different conditions. These bacteria found in the blood may be there transiently following dental on other minor surgery’s or cause septiceamia following major surgery. Is because of endocarditis lead to there in the case of typhoid fever and other other conditions. But their an increase in the necessary and frequency of the blood culture in the everyday diagnostic microbiology laboratory as well as the various types of possible isolate, these phenomenon takes place due to modern development of surgical and transplant guideline, as a result of this, where immuno suppressive drugs are used for the treatment.

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