Pus(Abscesses) Examination


Pus: pattern of screening these specimen depend on the part of the body which the specimen where collected, either the specimen is from boil, ear, skin wound e.t.c. the specimen can be message on a sterile container or swab stick. The contamination of the specimen also depend on which part of the body the specimen was collected, the specimen collect from skin may have the following organism as a contaminant; Staphylococcus epdermidis, coliform bacilli, and diptheroid, the organism may present in a commensalism way.


The appearance of the specimen should be noted, in case of actinomycosis is suspected, check for sulphur granules.

Inoculate two blood agar, on one plate, add metronidazole disc to detect anaerobic organism. after that, make two smear, stain one smear with Gram staining and the second one with Acid-fast bacilli. Incubate the prepared plate aerobically, but if there are indication of gonococcus, then the plate should be incubate anaerobically at CO2.

But if the organism is indicated by smear, then direct sensitivity test should be performed. Next day identiry organism isolate and incubate the plate for 7 days if it happen to be that actinomycin is suspected.

When mycobacterium turberculosis is suspected then the pus should be inoculated onto two Lowenstain-Jensen slope and it should be treated as sputum. Some of the organism that may be identify are;

Mycobacterium turberculosi

Proteous vulgaris

Clostridium perfringens

Haemophilus Spp

Staphylococcus aureus

Haemolytic streptococci


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