TMA2 CHM318 Natural Product chemistry I

  1. The structure of camphor was established in___?

Answer: 1893

  1. The Isoprene unit has___double bond?

Answer: straight link

  1. Mevalonic acid independent pathway was discovered in___?

Answer: 1980s

  1. Beta-Carotene was first isolated from carrot by Scientists wackarodder in the years___?

Answer: 1837

  1. The diterpenoids has a total of ___carbon atom?

Answer: 20

  1. Terpenoid called carotenoid has ___ carbon?

Answer: 40

  1. Gonane is the simple possible structure of___?

Answer: steroid

  1. Isoprene unit has ___ carbon atoms?

Answer: 5

  1. Other name for isoprenoid is ____?

Answer: Terpenoids

  1. The molecules whose structure is base on___?

Answer: terpene

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