This Leaf is available Freely around you
Just put your eyes to the ground and you will find it .
Be Advised: this Leaf is Bitter.
Common name : stonebreaker,Chanka leaf
Botanical name: Phyllanthus Niruri
Family name :Phyllanthaceae
Brazil : Quebra or Arranca Pedras
Spanish : Chanca Piedra or Shatter Stone
Nigeria common name : Small Leaf
Local name: Eyin olube,(Yoruba)Iro kwoò nwa ‘(Igbo)the leaves has multiple seeds
👉 The degree of the viral damage to the liver will also determine how long it will take for complete treatment.
👉This is why alway adding a good natural supplement to the treatment, which will boost your immunity and aid quick healing of the liver.
👉Infusion (hot tea)
👉Decoction (boiled tea)
👉Macerations (cold soaking)
Boil one handful of the plant with 1litre of water in a pot with good fitting lid on a medium to heat for 15minutes.
If you can see the steam escaping or smell the aroma, that means your lid is not tight enough and valuable properties are escaping.
It can be stored in refrigerator after you might have strained the leaves and seeds out hence it goes bad after 3days.
You can boil enough quantity and keep in the fridge but it should not exceed one week
DOSAGE: Half or one full cup to be taking 2 times daily on empty stomach for 30 days consistently. Children to take a quarter of adult dose.
After 30 days go for test again, if still any trace of hapatitis in your system continue treatment for two weeks and test again.
All traces of hapatitis B in your system will disappear completely after this treatment.
Other benefits
👉 Treat Malaria
👉Treat Fever
👉Relief Pains
👉Effective Ulcer Treatment
Decoction with honey is used as a cough medicine.
Ayurvedic experts use this plant for treating stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen.
It has anti-hepatitis B properties and it is also used for treating kidney stones.
It can cure liver diseases, lower the cholesterol, reduces growth of hepatitis B virus, has antifungal, antiviral, liver cirrhosis, diuretic, stomachic, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, remove toxins, hypertension, anemia, leprosy, ringworm and menstrual problems.
Root extracts are used in massage oils, body lotions and hair oil.
Regular use of a small portion of the leaf helps to increase immunity power drastically.
It helps in improving the quality of bile and improves bile production and helps in digestion.
It helps to eliminate gall stones, kidney stones and cure liver hepatitis along with other herbs like Bhringraj, Kalmegh, Kaasni.
It helps to improve the immunity and therefore useful in recurrent respiratory tract infections, asthma, Tonsillitis in children.
It helps in limiting the growth of hepatitis B virus found in the blood stream.
It is said to be used in the case of anorexia.
It is diuretic and hence is used in urinary tract infections and bacterial infections like cyctitis and protastitis.
Infusion of the root and leaves is a good tonic and diuretic when taken cold in repeated doses.
Poultice of the leaves with salt cures scabby disorder of the skin.
Poultice can also be applied on a bruise and wound without salt.
Fresh root is believed to be an excellent remedy for jaundice.
Milky juice of the plant is a good remedy to apply on offensive skin sores.
According to Unani system of medicine, the herb is a stomachic and is useful in chronic dysentery.
Fruits of the plant are useful for tubercular ulcers, wounds, sores, scabies and ring worm.
Decoction of the whole plant is a very good remedy against malarial fever.
It can be used to increase the appetite and locally to relieve inflammations.
Infusion of young shoots is an effective cure to treat dysentery.
Fresh juice of the whole plant along with clarified butter is very effective in the treatment of Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea and Gonorrhea.
Consuming a spoon of fresh juice from the plant, along with sugar and jira, helps to mitigate pain in urination.
Whole plant also contains potassium. Regular intake of a small quantity of leaves in the morning on an empty stomach helps to get rid of the toxins.
Tuberculosis can also be controlled by using this herb.
Juice of the plant is effective dressing for offensive sores.
Juice is mixed with oil and used for treating conjunctivitis and eye inflammation.
Young leaves are used for milder forms of intermittent fevers.
Leaves are boiled in milk and are given in dropsical disorders and urinary complaints.
Poultice of leaves are prepared with rice water and applied to ulcers or edematous swelling.
It is used for treating itch, scabies and other skin diseases.
Fresh roots along with rice water are given in menorrhagia (excessive profuse discharge of menses or its prolongation).
Leaves were crushed with salt and applied for skin diseases.
Plant decoction was very effective for diabetes and chest pain.
Decoction of leaves or roots is used for ulcers.
Dried powder of the plant mixed with gruel water is applied over ulcers and wounds.
In Unani medicine the roots of this plant are used for the remedy of liver diseases.
Seeds were used in the treatment of ulcers, wounds and scabies& ring worms.
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Stonebreaker
👉Stone breaker and Gallbladder remedySPECIAL MEDICINE FOR FIBROIDS
Do not tamper your body with operations we have medicine that cure permanently without surgery.Our medicine will eliminate the following SYMPTOMS of fibroids
👉 Pelvic pain or pressure
👉Heavy menstrual bleeding
👉 Bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods
👉 Unusually frequent urination
👉Abdominal swelling
👉 Low back pain during intercourse or during menstrual periods
👉Fatigue or low energy from heavy periods and excessive bleeding.
👉Infertility, if the fibroids are blocking the fallopian tubes.
👉 Repeated miscarriages.
We also have medicine for👍 #hemorrhoids 👍#gas #ulcers 👍#kidney 👍stones👍 #hepatitis👍 #herpes 👍#heart disease #kidney failure👍 #warts👍 #cervical cancer👍 #breast cancer👍 #diabetes 👍#stroke👍 #asthma👍 #acne 👍#toothache #tumors 👍no side effects. come for scan call or what’s up+260974331815
Text and photo credit: Science Nature Clinic
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