can you show me any great man in your Bible who did not kill a single person? – Ameh Ezeh

By Ameh Ezeh

Dear Bible Believing Africans,
👹Solomon killed thousands of people and slept with people’s wives with concubines according to your “one man one wife” doctrine, your bible called him the wisest man.
👹David killed thousands of people, impregnated another man’s wife and killed him to cover it up then married that same woman, your Bible called him the Man after God’s Heart.
👹Abraham married his sister, denied his wife, slept with his poor maid, attempted to kill his son and had concubines, your Bible called him friend of God and the father of Nations.
👹Samson killed thousands of innocent people and slept with harlot, your Bible called him the strongest Man of God.
👹Jesus had all men as his apostles and had one of them John laid his head on his breast, your bible called him the anointed son of God.
👹Saul killed thousands of innocent people, your Bible renamed him apostle paul and tagged him a saint.

👀NOW my question is this, can you show me any great man in your Bible who did not kill a single person? How many did your ancestors killed that makes you tagged them Evil???.
Value your own first…no matter what…your own is your own…even after all those killings in different places the whites still value their gods and ancestors. Wake up, value yours and choose to do it on the right way…You must not kill twins to claim a traditionalist…You must not offer a blood of a virgin to be a traditionalist…all that only happens in nollywood movie propagating white supremacy and vilifying African true ways..choose the right path…even those whites people have their own good and bad way…value your own first…so that when you welcome an outsider your own won’t be angry..some believe that some of the ancestors spirit are angry destroying some families because they called them evil, which I am against because you don’t have to kill your children for calling evil out of fear and ignorance…It’s out of fear and ignorance that some Africans burned and didn’t value what their Ancestors left for their good. They never give time to study and know them or what they deserve before acknowledging any God(Yahweh, Jehovah or Allah)…How many of you know the true history of your own Ancestors, their names and exploits as a people?…I hope you understand this…you’re free to read again for you to understand it more 👌

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