Certain Situations That You Must Pass Through
Exodus 14:13-18
I am praying for someone, that from today onward, your victory shall be permanent.
I have preached a sermon a long time ago titled seven ways to deal with the mountain.
Outline of the sermon:
When you come across a mountain, the first thing you do is:
- To turn back and say no, l will not continue since a mountain is blocking my way. In Numbers 14:1-4, the Children of Israel when they spied and saw the land, the land was beautiful and fruitful but there were giants, so the people said we can’t go forward, we better go backward. My prayer for you this day is that the problem that will send you back to Egypt, will never cross your path.
- To go around it: It’s to say okay there is a mountain blocking my way, but l will go round and find a way. The problem with going around the mountain is you don’t know how far it stretches, you might never be able to search it all. In Numbers 32:13, the Bible says the Children of Israel went round for forty years till all the adults around them were dead.
That problem that will cause you to keep going round and round, the Almighty God will not bring it your way.
- To climb the mountain: Climbing the mountain could be quite an assignment. Climbing the mountain might be a solution like in Exodus 17: 8-13 when the Amalekites blocked the way of the Children of Israel, Moses climbed a hill and took Aaron along and from the hilltop, he controlled the battle. That is why some people say they are on the mountain when they are fasting.
- To bore a hole: Dig a tunnel through the mountain like the example we’re faced with in today’s text. When Moses lifted his hands against the Red Sea, it parted and they walked pass till they arrived at the other side, then the sea came together again. When you bore a hole through a hill, the mountain remains, but you are on the other side of it.
I have made it clear to us, Corona Virus will not disappear completely, but it will subside soon in the Mighty name of Jesus.
The good news to those of you listening to me, you will come out strong, and when you come out, you will not forget to give praise to God. - To dynamite the mountain: You can get some very huge explosives and blow down the mountain like in Joshua 6: 1-20. The Wall of Jericho completely blocked the way for the Children of Israel to the Promised Land. There was no way they could go round, walk pass, they had to blow it down and they did it by shouting.
- To turn the mountain to somewhere. If you are spiritual, you can even turn the mountain to a habitation, you can build a house on the mountain top. 2 Kings 4:18-37, when the Shunammite Woman needed a miracle urgently, she found him sitting and living on top of Mount Carmel.
- To fly over the mountain: Isaiah 40:31 tells us that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles. That is they will fly like an eagle over the mountain. This the greatest option of all. The mountain will be there but you will fly above it.
There are quite a lot of good things that will come out of this lock down by the Grace of God.
Today we will be talking about certain mountains that you just must bore your way through. In Isaiah 43:2, the Almighty God says when you pass through waters, l will be with you, when you pass through the waters, it will not overthrow you when you pass through the fire, the fire won’t burn you. He didn’t say the water will dry up, He didn’t say the fire will be quenched.
If you ask Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, God didn’t put out the fiery furnace, the Children of God went into the fire but they came out alive. I am not just talking about Corona Virus, l am talking about some situations in your life, you just have to bore your way through the mountain. I want to tell you what you need to do to bore your way out and come out safe and sound on the other side:
- You must trust God. Trust God the Father, the Maker of Heaven and the Earth. He spoke to the Children of Israel, He spoke to Moses, “tell the Children of Israel that they move forward.” Trust the One who was before the mountains were brought forth.
Psalms 90:2, trust God knowing fully well that nothing happens without God knowing it. Nothing takes God by surprise. There is no problem you are facing now that is a surprise to God. There is no challenge that you are encountering that is something God never saw coming. He knows the end from the beginning.
Trust God the Father, trust God the Son because when God said to Moses, “tell the Children of Israel to move forward”, the question they could have asked is ‘forward to where?”
Trust God the Son who said in John 14:6 “l am the way.” He is the Way where there is no way, he will make a way in the wilderness, He will make a way even in the Red Sea. The way that you don’t even know exists, the Almighty God knows how to make a way and He will make a way for somebody today.
Trust God the Holy Spirit because if you read the story after Moses lifted his hands against the Red Sea, the Bible said “…and East wind blew the way through the Red Sea.” When you read Acts 2:1-4, you will discover that the Holy Spirit comes in like a rushing mighty wind.
The wind is going to blow for you, and it will create a path where there was no path before. Trust God that you will come out safe and sound after all these problems are over.
- Remember God’s Mercy and His Faithfulness because according to Lamentation 3:22-23 the Bible says “it is of the Lord’s Mercy that we are not consumed.” It is because He is merciful that you are still alive today. He said His mercy is new every morning, and great is His faithfulness. He brought you thus far, He is not going to disappoint now, He is not going to abandon you now. Remember His mercy, it is by His grace that we are saved and are still alive. Every night you slept, the enemy does not want you to wake up the next day. At night when you are completely helpless, there is someone who doesn’t sleep, watching over you, not because you deserve it but just out of mercy.
When Bartimaeus was crying for help, he said “Jesus, thou Son of David have mercy on me, I am not saying l deserve a miracle, but out of mercy.” The Bible says God is rich in mercy. Remember His mercy.
In 1 Samuel 17: 34-37, what assured David that he will defeat Goliath is that he said l have faced a lion before, l won, l have been attacked by a beer before, l won. God is faithful, the One who helped me before will help me again and l will defeat Goliath.
I want you at this moment to throwback your mind, has God helped you before? Have you been through some challenges before?
The problem may be new, but God remains the same.
In Malachi 3:6, He says “l am the Lord, l change not.” It is written in Hebrew 13:8 that “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.”
If He has healed you before, He will heal you again. If He has delivered you before, He will deliver you again. If He has seen you through before, He will see you through again. Trust God, remember His mercy and faithfulness.
- Believe not only God but also His Prophets. In 2 Chronicles 20:20, it is written, believe God and you shall be established, believe His prophets and you will prosper. The Children of Israel didn’t hear from God, they only heard from Moses.
Moses said to them, “fear not, be still and see the salvation of the Lord that he will perform.” It was Moses who said the enemies you see today, you shall see them no more.
The people didn’t hear God saying to Moses this is what you must do, they only heard what Moses said. I am not claiming to be a Prophet, l am a Pastor.
I told you at the beginning of the year, this year the world is going to behave like a child in convulsion.
l also told those of you who are my children: you are going to pass through this thing without a problem. Those of you who are genuinely my children, you will pass through the sea without even a touch of water on you.
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fiery furnace, even the smell of fire was not on them.
I want you to believe me because my Father does not lie: You will come out of this problem safe and sound.
- You must take the step of faith. I want you to put yourself in the position of the Children of Israel. Moses spoke, told them tomorrow will be alright, they saw the wind blowing, they saw a path opening up in the Red Sea, but it took an act of faith on their part to work into the middle of the Red Sea because on their right and left hand, there was a huge wall of water but they marched on.
It is written in four places in the Scriptures, the Just shall live by faith Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 19:38. God said it four times.
Relax, live by faith. God can’t fail you.
God, the Father is on the Throne, God the Son is sitting down by His right-hand side watching you, the dispensation of the Holy Spirit is in charge right now.
Remember His mercy, remember His faithfulness, believe God, believe His prophet and then move forward.
It is written in 1 Peter 5:7, “cast your cares upon Him for he cares for you.” Whatever problems you are facing, roll it unto the Almighty God and once you cast your burden upon him, leave it there. He is more than enough to handle whatever may be your problems. Once you pray, leave the rest to God, He will answer your prayers.
Some of us might say l have prayed and haven’t received an answer yet. Not too long ago, we studied in our Open Heaven Devotional, the Angel said to Daniel, the very day you prayed, God sent an answer. Yes, there was a delay but the answer came.
You may say, “well, l am not even sure that Daddy G.O is a Prophet.” Yes, he is not a Prophet but he is a Pastor but l am sure you know Isaiah was a Prophet, he prophesied about the Lord Jesus Christ more than anyone else. He is the one who said behold a virgin shall conceive. If he wasn’t an established Prophet, they would have killed him. It came to pass. He prophesied that by His stripes you are going to be healed.
The same Isaiah said in Isaiah 3:10, “say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him.” If you don’t believe me, believe Isaiah that your tomorrow will be alright.
However, if you are not born again, the same Isaiah said in Isaiah 3:11, woe unto the wicked, for it shall be ill with him. He said if you are not on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, you are looking for trouble.
May l appeal to you, if you want to pass through whatever challenges you are facing, you better cross over to the right side. Cross over to Jesus Christ, He can make a way where there is no way. His name is the way. Surrender your life to Him.
Wherever you are listening to me now, if you want to cross over to the other side, please bow your head and cry to him and say please have mercy on me.
The rest of us, please lets pray for these people. Pray that the One, the great Saviour Himself, the One who said nobody can come to the Father except by me, will receive them and have mercy on them, save their souls and give them a brand new beginning.
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