Vaginal infections white discharge, fungal infections, itching,can have several causes, the most common are those caused by fungi, the most common of which is Candida
Albicans and those caused by a bacterium, causing bacterial vaginitis.
The disorders that can affect the fragile area of the vagina can be many: fungal infections, itching, discharge; This delicate area must be the subject of all attention
Pain and itching in the vagina, and often in the vulva.
A significant change in the odor, abundance, texture and color of vaginal discharge may be indicative of infectious vaginitis. In case of yeast infection, the losses are often whitish, with a curdiness appearance. When it comes to a bacterial infection, they are rather gray or yellowish and smelly.
A feeling of irritation or burning during urination and during intercourse.
Swelling and redness of the vulva.
A slight vaginal bleeding, in rare cases.
Ocimum gratissimum leaf (scent leaf)
Persea americana wallet (avocado leaf)
Tetraleura teraptera (prekese)
Ocimum americana leaf (white basil)
Put all this in a pot and boil for 40mins then sieve and fill the liquid in the can for use.
A cup morning and night…. For better result cook with more quatity materials and get up to 8 to 10 litter of the liquid.
DATE; 20th July 2021
TIME; 9am
VENUE; TELEGRAM group chat
“Our last Fertility class ended up with most women getting pregnant. I have been posting the testimonies and will still post some here.
So don’t hesitate to join the class if you are a man or woman suffering from any infertility issues”
Are you a man struggling with Azoospermia, testestorone problems, low sperm count, motility and morphology? Has the doctor told you you can’t impregnate a woman? Are you a woman struggling with infertility issues; block tubes, hormonal imbalance, ovulation problems, ceased and irregular menstruation, poor egg quality, fobriod, cyst etc.
Do not loss hope because natural treatments for all infertility problems has been well research, arranged and packaged for you
All you need to do is to join the class in telegram and testify within two months of using natural treatments.
All topics will be well explained, the causes, symptoms and atleast five different natural treatments you can choose from and take.
Detoxification remedies for conception _Azoospermia _Low sperm count, motility and morphology _Sperm leakage after sex _Testesterone boosters _Premature ejaculation, Erectile Dyfunction, low libido _Fibroid and Ovarian cysts _Ceased and irregular menstruation Blocked Fallopian tubes
_Hormonal imbalance
_Treatments to improve Egg quality
_Treatment for Uterus cleans
_Treatment for hotness of the womb
_Treatment to prevent miscarriage
_Treatment for easy labour
_Ovulation boasters
_Ovulation boasters for twin conception
_Proper dieting for easy conception
_Juicing and smoothie for easy conception
_Supplements for both men and women for easy conception.
An effective conception process is in three stages;
_Treatments from the first day after your menses.
_Ovulation boasters.
So there will be a thorough follow up of members from the first stage to the last stage.
So don’t miss out if you are a male or female struggling with infertility issues
WHATSAPP +237675256336 to join
You pay a token to be added
Ekpo Ruth
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