Ovaioza biography, net worth, arrest, career, husband, state of origin and more

Read all about Ovaioza biography and arrest.

Over the last few days, ovaioza has been trending online, as news of her being arrested after allegedly trying to elope with her husband.

According to reports, she runs an investment business and has failed to pay the investors their supposed return on investments.

Ovaioza Imu Yunusa is the founder and owner of Ovaioza farm produce storage business (OFPB) and Ovaioza skills acquisition center (OSAC).

If you want to read all about Ovaioza biography, Ovaioza net worth, Ovaioza arrest, Ovaioza career, Ovaioza husband, Ovaioza state of origin, Ovaioza age and more, then you are in the right place.

Let’s get into it then..

The below is the profile of Ovaioza

Ovaioza profile
Ovaioza arrest biography

Real name: Ovaioza Imu Yunusa

Date of birth: December 30, 1993

Age: 29 years’ old

State of origin: kogi state

Occupation: Businesswoman, philanthropist, entrepreneur

Nationality: Nigerian

Net worth: $1 million

Ovaioza biography
Imu Yunusa “Ovaioza” is a Nigerian businesswoman who was born on the 30th of December 1993 and hails from Okene local government area of Kogi state.

Ovaioza education
She began at the college of Arabic & Islamic studies in Okene, Kogi state and got a degree in Midwifery at the school of nursing and midwifery, Nassarawa state.

Ovaioza also has a bachelor’s degree in Biology Education at Bayero university in the Hausa Metropolitan city of Kano.

Ovaioza career
Ovaioza is a businesswoman, entrepreneur and philanthropist, she is the founder and owner of Ovaioza farm produce storage business (OFPB) and Ovaioza skills acquisition center (OSAC).

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Ovaioza arrest
In April 2022, Ovaioza was arrested after allegedly trying to flee with her husband out of the country.

According to reports, she runs an investment business and has failed to pay the investors their supposed return on investments. The alleged Ponzi scheme operator is said to have over 1 billion naira in investments.

The case is currently being handles by the force criminal investigations department (FCID).

Ovaioza husband
Ovaioza is said to be married to a man named David. Not much is known about him at this moment.

Ovaioza net worth
Ovaioza net worth has been estimated at $1 million. She is the founder and owner of Ovaioza farm produce storage business (OFPB) and Ovaioza skills acquisition center (OSAC).

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