Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

CSF is a clear liquid produced in the ventricles of the brain; fills and protects cavities in the brain and spinal cord. The fluid is stainless. When collecting, CSF, make sure that all necessary precaution is adhere to, to avoid contaminating the sample. CSF is often sent to clinical laboratory for analysis of protein, glucose and some other few investigation. When collecting CSF for glucose estimation, the sample must be collected into a dry container with fluoride oxalate in the container as a preservative, the function of the fluoride oxalate is to prevent glycolysis that may take place in the sample when sample is keep without analysis for sometimes. If there will be waste of time in term of investigation, the sample can also be collected into a plain container, then kept in the refrigerator, pending when the investigation is to be done, but definitely should not be more than 24 hours.

CSF is often collected from lumber vertebrae, be informed that these procedure of collection is very delicate, as such emergency treatment should follow immediately after collection. The investigation of CSF is done by microbiology and biochemistry department, as such the sample is share between these departments, for the interest of the patient, it is advisable for the two department to cooperate with each other.

Clinical chemistry specimen; quantities, Investigation and remarks





Clotted Blood

3 – 5ml

Acid phosphatase


3 – 5ml

Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT)


2 – 3ml



3 – 5ml



3 – 5ml

Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT)


3 – 5ml

Total bilirubin

Hemolysis free of 1 – 2ml anticoagulated blood for infants.


1 – 2ml


Fasting specimen


3 – 5ml


Fasting specimen is preferable


3 – 5ml


Sample should be free of hemolysis


5 – 10ml


Heparinized blood that is free of hemolysis can be used


3 – 5ml

Lactate dehydrogenase

Sample free of hemolysis


3 – 5ml



Total protein


4 – 5ml



3 – 5ml


Fasting specimen, anticoagulated blood on EDTA container can be used


4 – 5ml

Uric acid

Keep the sample in a dark place

Heparinized blood

4 – 5ml

Blood gas

Make sure no air bubble in the sample

Fluoride oxalate blood

1 – 2ml


Fasting, post – prandial, or random specimen can be used

Anticoagulated blood (EDTA or Fluoride oxalate)

1 – 2ml




10 – 20ml


For specific gravity, collect 50 – 60ml specimen of urine


24 hours specimen in a bottle containing 20ml conc. HCl



24 hours specimen


Free of preservative


24 hours of specimen

Quantitative protein



Small portion each day for 3 days regularly

Occult blood test


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

1 – 2ml

Biochemical investigation (protein, glucose)

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