Anemia is not a diseases, but is a conditions where the power of carrying oxygen by the blood round the body system is reduced.
Anemia is sign of underlying diseased, and never a diagnosis.
The scientific indications of Anemia is the reduction of red blood cells count less than 4.0 Million/ in males and 3.5 million/ in females.
A patients who are anemia, tend to have similar symptoms, irrespective of the caused
Some of the symptom of Anemia included
1. Fatigue
2. Dizziness
3. Breathlessness
4. Headache.
This are some of the four major complained by Anaemia patients.
The caused.
Anemia may be caused due to the following factor’s.
1. Increased in Hemolysis
Increase in Hemolysis often cause by hereditary disease, such as spherocytosis or sickle cells.
This two conditions, reduce the life expectation of red blood cells.
In science, it is referred to incomplete red cell circle.
2. Diminished Erythropoesis
It is a conditions, where the production of red blood cell is reduced in the born marrow.
This condition often occurs due to bone marrow failure or nutritional deficiency.
Some of the nutrients essential for the production of red blood cells include
Ion, copper, vitamin B12, folic acid, pyridoxine, reboflavin, nicotinic acid, protein, vitamin C and some other hormone.
3. Blood Loss
This may caused by trauma or disease.
The conditions may be acute, which may not be that serious, or chronic which may be serious that may required transfusion.
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