All we Men think is how to have sex with ladies and dump them, why you don’t have single respect for Women? – Jemilu asked Men

Young man by name Seidu Exco Jemilu blast men who always think of using women and dumped them.

Jemilu who charge men to always respect women, has the following piece of advise for you men:


To our men in the house,🤵 why is it that most of you have no single respect for women?👩

All we think is how to have sex with them and the next thing is to dump them like hot kettle and make them a topic of discussion among our friends.

She allowed you have sex with her because she felt secured with you, she saw you as a good and responsible person.
She allowed you go to bed with her because she believed in all the fakes promises you made to her. Some of you even go to the extent of promising them marriage just because you want to have sex with them. MEN WHY???

Why making her believe in you when you know you just wanna use her and dump her?
Why making her have high expectations on you??

Since you know you don’t have intention of settling down with her then why having sex with her??

The one that annoy me most is the fact that after you get what you want you loose Respect for her, you no longer see her as a human being that should be cared for.
You start seeing her like a fool, you start seeing her as if she’s a cheap brat.

She’s cheap because she accepted you right?.. if you wanna know how expensive she is then go to her inbox and see how many guys she’s disappointing on each day just to be with you.

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Why don’t you learn to love and appreciate your woman?

A man can have sex with a woman he’s not in love with, but a woman will never have sex with a man she’s not in love with. She allowed have sex with her because she loves you.

You treat women like they are trash, you have forgotten so soon that you came into this life through a woman and you were also raised by a woman.

Women should be highly respected in this world because they go through a lot just to see us through in life.


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