Talk Zone: Is it right For Man to Help His wife With House Help after meetings his Task as a Man?, Find out

Man has it task which he must performed in the family.

Some of those task is providing money, and taken good care of his wife and kids.

So woman has it responsibility.

Some of the woman responsibility, is taken care of kids, cooking, and keeping house clean.

But this modern generation has it ways of doings, such as women has begin to assumed the responsibility of man, despite this some husband families, as mother and father may take it as abomination when they sees their son was his wife, clothes, or busy cooking when the wife is around.

Even some men don’t like doing anything at home after providing money for foods, schools fees, clothing and others things.

The question now is, dose really matter that a man should not assist his wife, in the kitchens, like washing plate when the woman is preparing soup, of washing clothes when the woman is cooking, or sweeping when the woman is bathing children?

In our opinion, is not really matter, both religions, Islam and Christianity encouraged husband to assist his wife in doing house work.

In fact in Islam, is husband responsibility to cook, wash clothes, plates, bath, and dress his wife sometimes.

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