Proverb: The Nodding of Lizard Dose Not Mean all is Well

This an African Proverbs, it should read meaning into the heads of those that reason.

Meaning: A smiling man may have sorrow inside of him, but it is the courageous smiles that make him the man.

Our Explanations

One things you should know in life is that everybody that you sees has it own problems, but what actually make you different with others, is your ability to leave with it and still mingle with others.

Don’t let your problems send sorrow into your vein because sometimes problems don’t kill, but thinking killed.

When you worry to much about your problem, you may bound to developed high blood pressure, which if not properly managed can lead to Stroke and finally deaths.

We in Omokoshaban team, encouraged you to learn how to smile, laugh, do things that will make you forget your sorrows.

Watching movies, listen to music, going out, like visiting friends, zoo and cinemas are major way to get read of sorrow and thinking.

See also  Proverb: A Devourer Never get tired of devouring

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