He said in post made available on his official Facebook page on the 16th of July 2021.
Ukraine is not an alien state for us. This is a part of our history, and the inhabitants of Ukraine are a part of our people. That is why our heart hurts so much because of what’s going on with our neighbors. Ukraine is deliberately made into Anti-Russia, forcing Russian Ukrainians to renounce their history and our unity. Vladimir Putin wrote an article on Russian-Ukrainian relations, and published it in two languages which are native to Ukrainian residents – Russian and Ukrainian.
“Here we are not talking about the intersection of our paths, but about the interconnection and interweaving of the fate of the millions of people who live on the territory of today’s Ukraine and today’s Russia. These are the historical entanglements, the spiritual entanglements of our peoples that have developed for centuries”.
It is obvious to Putin and anyone who knows and understands our history: for centuries we have been a single nation, so the artificial creation of an anti-Russian outpost from Ukraine contradicts our common interests. Most residents of Ukraine understand this, but they are under unprecedented pressure to distort national identity, to renounce the Russian language. But in history there were already moments when we were artificially separated by external forces, but we found the strength to unite again. After all, our strength is in unity!
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