blood flow in the body system

 Blood flow

The rate at which blood flow to the tissue capillaries depend widely the organs tissue which the flow into. For example, blood flowing organs;




Is higher than the flow to skeletal muscles.

Adipose tissue, skin,

and viscera have lower rates of blood flow. Variation in blood flow partly explains the short duration of hypnosis produced by an IV bolus of propofol (a medication that causes reduction level of consciousness and lack of memory for events). High blood flow, together with high lipophilicity (ability of a chemical compound to dissolve in fats, oil, lipids and non-polar solvent) of propofol, allowed rapid distribution into the central Nervous system (CNS) and produces anesthesia. A subsequent slower distribution to skeletal muscle and adipose tissue lowers the plasma concentration so that the drug diffuses out of the CNS, down the concentration gradient, and consciousness is regained.

See also  Echange of Blood Gas (Oxygen and Carbon dioxide)

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