Senators earn N15m monthly as salary and allowances. N750K is only salary. ~ Sagay.

“There is no such thing as “jumbo pay,” I earn N750K as salary. ~ Lawan

Sagay said Nigerians were more interested in how much Senators take home monthly in salaries and allowances.

“I respect and like him (Lawan), but what he has done is to give half-truth. He is telling us the actual salary without mentioning anything about the allowances.
“That is where the jumbo pay comes in, when you talk of building, furniture, domestic this or that, 15 items and those items alone bring everything up to N13.5m a month.
So, simply mentioning the bare salary, which brings it to over N14m, is not sufficient.
“So, technically, he is right. That is their salary. But what is his income, take-home pay, at the end of the month?
It is about N15m and we are not including many other things we need not talk about now.”
“Even Presiding officers of the National Assembly earn more than ordinary members.
~ Sagay

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