Anemia is a medical term referring to someone that lack sufficient amount of blood in his/her body system to carry out routing activity.

Blood is one of the essential part of life, without blood you cannot survive. Some said without oxygen we cannot survive yes you are right but I will like to inform you that oxygen is been control by blood so with blood oxygen taken in will not be able to movie round the body system, so automatically blood remain the authentic lifesaving component of human being.


What way people become anemic?

Yes the question is very  interesting and we have to discuss little on it, because many people cannot specifically explain why them or their child is  anemic, what they usually said when they rush anemic patient to hospital and it happen for doctor to ask them when did the sickness start? They usually said today but they forget that there is no illness that can cause someone to loose blood instantly, only problem that cause someone to lose blood instantly is accident of which the person will have a deep cut that cut across major vein in the body. Also woman who have continual bleeding also lead to anemia but it cannot just happen a moment the bleeding start, some it might take 3 days or even a week before the woman become anemic, and it happen base on severity of the bleeding.

Below are some ways which patient probably become anemic;

True accident: despite wear and what cause the accident , it can cause anemia, this happen when there is cut in a vein that supply blood round the body system, that could lead to loss of blood and if not properly control or arrest, the patient will lose blood and become anemic.




Parasite; malaria parasite is one of the endemic sickness mostly in west Africa and some other part of African continent, malaria parasite often engulf in the red blood cell as result of that cause a lot of damage to the shape of red blood cells. Even with that, if malaria is not properly treated with good ant-malaria, it will lead to anemia. Mostly in children, when the anemia occur it often end up in blood transfusion. But sometime we might put the blame to the parent of the child, why? Because some parent even they notice any temperature change on their child body they will not take action, in some case they might decide to buy paracetamol and give to the  child orally. Parent please know  that paracetamol is a pain relief drugs, it did not cure any parasite, bacteria or plasmodium species. Paracetamol only health to reduce the sign and symptom, as such when a child body is hot, It will tend to reduce the fever, but that did not cure nor kill the cause of hotness of the body, as such when you notice and hotness of your child and you give him or her paracitamol and the hotness still persist after 3 days please consult your doctor if possible have a laboratory test conduct on the baby. The test help to isolate the type and extent which the malaria has gone in the body system, after that good anti-malaria been administer to the child. Don’t wait until the child start convulsing before rushing to hospital.

See also  Statistical correlation


Sickle cell Disease(sickler); this is congenital defect which are inherited from both parent, this is one of the greatest challenge many people face, in this set of people they never have a perfect red blood cell shape because they both inherit Hemoglobin F in  bot parent. with little research I carried out on the issue, i learn that Hemoglobin F come to existence as a result of malaria parasite which where endemic in some part of the world, so people within the area automatically develop Hemoglobin F in other to defend themselves of malaria parasite, like I said earlier malaria parasite can only survive in a complete shape of red blood cells, so people with Hemoglobin F has incomplete shape of red blood cell, with that they are always free of malaria parasite because the parasite cannot survived in an incomplete red blood cells. But they are anemic. As at now no treatment available for Sickle cell disease, but it can only be manage.

The best way to manage sickle cell disease is to have your genotype test conducted in the laboratory know your genotype. If you are AS then don’t marry someone who is AS, and SS, as such, you can only marry AA, and if you are AA congratulation you can marry AA, AS and SS.

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